Known issues | To be added
V 1.1.0 (Current)
Known Issues:
To be added:
V 1.1.0 (Current) 10 Dec 2024
Adds: New MOST System 🔥 MOST_Detector 🔥
Adds: New prefabs for 'Control' scenes (explosion barrel, enemies)
Adds: new enemy AI prefab (can shoot and throw)
Adds: new enemy AI system (Base)
Adds: some new models
Edit: MOST_Damage is no longer Demo (a lot added)
Edit: MOST_Aim detector system is removed and now use MOST_Detector instead
Edit: MoveSystem property in MOST_Aim is now optional to set
Edit: MOST_Aim improvements
Edit: MOST_FreeMovement improvements
Edit: MOST_GridMovement improvements
Edit: MOST_Throw improvements
Edit: some edits on 'Control' scenes
Edit: on MOST_Core file
Edit: enemy control and character follow
Edit: some on 'Control' scenes
Edit: some on 'Shoot" scenes and prefabs (Explosion Bombs)
Edit: some on EnemyControl behavior and changed to SimpleFollow
Edit: EnemyControl now refers to EnemyAI
Edit: Most of the character prefabs were modified to pair with the new MOST_Detector system and MOST_Aim system modifications
Fixes: Button Controller not override when used on Overrided By List
V 1.0.0 12 Nov 2024
First release
Last updated